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Porcelain Crowns for Children: When and Why are They Recommended?

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porcelain crowns for children: when and why are they recommended
Prioritize your child’s dental well-being as a parent. The use of porcelain crowns is a common dental process that might be recommended for children. While crowns can seem to be more appropriate for adults, they can play an important part in maintaining the health of a child’s teeth.  Porcelain crowns in Cranbrook are customized caps that completely cover a tooth, restoring its shape, size, and strength. Choosing porcelain over metal alternatives offers a more visually pleasing option that closely resembles natural teeth. These prosthetics are especially popular among children who are concerned about their appearance during their developmental years because of this aesthetic advantage.

When are Porcelain Crowns Recommended for Children?

1. Severe Tooth Decay

Cavities are common in children, and in certain situations, the decay can spread and affect a major section of the tooth. Porcelain crown near you can be recommended in such cases to restore the tooth’s structure and prevent further deterioration.

2. Protecting Weak Teeth

Some children may have weak teeth due to congenital conditions or enamel deficiencies. Porcelain crowns provide a protective barrier, protecting these delicate teeth from fractures or injury.

3. Restoring Fractured or Broken Teeth

Accidents can occur, resulting in children’s teeth being shattered or broken. Porcelain crowns are a long-lasting and natural-looking alternative for restoring the tooth’s integrity.

4. Covering Discolored or Stained Teeth

Teeth discoloration in children can be caused by a range of medical conditions or medications. Porcelain crowns are an effective way to conceal these stains while also improving the appearance of the child’s smile.

5. Post-Root Canal Treatment

A porcelain crown can be recommended to protect and reinforce a child’s treated tooth after a root canal procedure to treat an infected tooth.

What Advantages Do Porcelain Crowns Offer Children?

1. Aesthetics

Porcelain crowns are known for their natural appearance. This is particularly essential for youngsters since keeping a beautiful smile can boost their self-esteem and confidence during crucial developmental phases.

2. Durability

Children’s active lifestyles subject their teeth to considerable wear and tear. Porcelain crowns offer durability and resilience against common stresses, providing a lasting solution for enhanced oral health.

3. Biocompatibility

Porcelain, being biocompatible, is ideal for dental restorations, a crucial consideration for children undergoing significant developmental stages.

4. Protection Against Further Decay

Porcelain crowns act as a barrier against further degeneration. They prevent microorganisms from invading the treated or restored areas by coating the entire tooth. Dental crowns can be a beneficial dental solution for children who are experiencing several kinds of oral health issues. Consultation with a pediatric dentist in Cranbrook is essential for determining your kiddo’s suitability for this treatment. Remember, being proactive when it comes to your little one’s dental care will lead to a lifetime of good smiles and overall well-being.

Alternatives to Pediatric Dental Crowns

Pediatric dental crowns are often used to repair and restore the function of primary (baby) teeth that have been damaged or decaying. However, depending on the situation, different solutions can be recommended by a dentist near you. Alternatives to dental crowns include:

  • Composite resin fillings 
  • Stainless steel crowns 
  • Pulpotomy
  • Extraction
  • Fluoride treatment 
  • Preventative measures 

Consult Our Pediatric Dentist Today! 

Symmetry Dental’s professional pediatric dentist will ensure your child’s dental health. Our caring and skilled team specializes in providing effective dental care for children, offering services ranging from preventive measures to advanced treatments such as pulp therapy and stainless steel crowns. Schedule a consultation today to give your child the gift of a healthy and confident smile.