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What Should I Do in a Dental Emergency?

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what should i do in a dental emergency
You’ve just finished playing the basketball game of your life, only to realize, back in the locker room that your dental crown has fallen out or your tooth has been cracked after a particularly scrappy encounter with a player from the other team. But there’s no need to fret! If you urgently require the services of an emergency dentist in Cranbrook, come into our dental local practice as soon as you can.

What is Considered a Dental Emergency?

Sometimes, it’s difficult to know whether we should obtain emergency dental care right away or if we’re simply freaking out and need a bit of time to calm down. In either case, it’s always smart to play it safe and visit a dentist near you. To help you out, listed below are the most common dental emergencies encountered by dental professionals and how to address them:

1. Toothaches

Most of us have had a toothache now and then, but if such pain persists, it’s time to take some action. Rinse out your mouth with warm water. If the side of your mouth is swollen, hold a cold pack against your cheek. Taking some pain medication like Tylenol or Advil will help you manage the pain.

2. Fragmented teeth

If your tooth itself has sustained damage like it’s been cracked, chipped, or a piece has broken off it, if you can, save the part of your tooth that’s fallen off then so see a dentist. Gently bite down on a bit of gauze if your mouth is bleeding.

3. A knocked-out tooth

First, locate your missing tooth if possible. Place it back in your mouth; if you act quickly enough, there’s a possibility of reattaching your tooth back into your socket. If this isn’t possible, put your tooth in a glass of milk, then visit a local dental clinic immediately.

4. An abscess or cyst

An abscess is a sac of flesh that’s filled with pus; this typically arises from an infection. A cyst is also a fleshy sac, but it’s filled with abnormal cells instead. Either of these things can form anywhere in or on your body. When small pimple-like bumps begin to appear on your gums, talk to your dentist soon – if left untreated, such an infection can spread throughout your mouth. Swishing salt water around your mouth can help with the pain, too.

5. A lost crown or filling

The best thing to do in this scenario is to visit a dentist in Cranbrook. They’ll perform an evaluation of your mouth and take impressions to fabricate a replacement prosthetic for you. Minor oral bleeding isn’t serious – this can happen if you haven’t flossed in a while, or you’ve bitten down on your tongue. But if you’re dealing with severe or continual bleeding, it may be due to gum disease, you need a root canal or oral cancer. Elevate your head while sleeping and bite down on gauze. Go see your dentist when you can.

Ways to Prevent Dental Emergencies

It’s challenging to predict when a dental emergency can happen – that’s why it’s called an emergency! But there are certain measures we can take to help prevent them in the first place including:
  • Eating less sugary foods.
  • Don’t eat really hard foods like popcorn kernels or ice.
  • Use scissors to open packages instead of your teeth!
  • Brush and floss at least twice every day.
  • Attend dental cleanings and checkups every 6 months.
  • Wear a mouthguard or a night guard.
If you or your family require the services of an emergency dentist near you, come into Symmetry Dental today. Our team is here to help you get things back on the right track; you’ll be in capable hands the whole time. If you have concerns at any point during your treatment, be sure to let us know so we can act accordingly. Call, come in, or go to our website for more information.