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What are Some of the Signs That You Need Root Canal Treatment?

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what are some of the signs that you need root canal treatment

If you’ve ever experienced severe toothache, you may assume you need root canal therapy near you. But, how do you determine for sure, and what are the signs that you need this type of therapy to live a normal life again?

Only a dentist near you can say with certainty whether or not the pain you’re in warrants a root canal treatment. There are a few common signs you can look out for that may point to root canal therapy.

Your dentist in Cranbrook possesses the skills and knowledge required to diagnose and treat the tooth pain you are currently experiencing.

What are the Reasons a Tooth Needs a Root Canal?

The pulp chamber is located within the core of the tooth, beneath the enamel and dentin. The tooth’s nerve tissue is contained in the pulp, which extends out through the root canals. This area can become infected and injured if it is contaminated with hazardous germs or if it is traumatized. If the infection is not treated with root canal therapy in Cranbrook, the condition will worsen, and the tooth will eventually be lost.

Symptoms that you might need a root canal include:

  • The tooth has a hole or a huge crack in it.
  • When you chew, you have a lot of discomfort, and when you put pressure on your teeth, you experience a lot of agony.
  • Gum tissue inflammation, redness, or discomfort surrounding the tooth
  • Swelling in the cheeks or around the neck
  • An abscess near the sore tooth on the gum tissue
  • When consuming hot or cold food, a sudden increase in sensitivity or prolonged pain or sensitivity occurs.

What Are Some Known Signs Your Dentist Will Look Out For?

It’s critical to arrange an appointment with your local dentist’s office if you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms. The team will do a comprehensive examination throughout the session to evaluate whether root canal treatment is required. The following are some of the warning signs that the dental staff will look out for:

  • X-rays show dark patches near the tooth’s tip. Infections that are not obvious during a visual inspection can often be detected via X-ray imaging.
  • Gum disease. These little pimple-like patches may represent draining regions for pus that has accumulated due to the infection.
  • Tooth discoloration. A tooth that changes color and appears darker than its surroundings is a sign of a severe infection or nerve damage.
  • Nerves that have been exposed. This is the case when restorations like a filling or crown, are lost, exposed nerves can cause extreme pain and temperature sensitivity.

How Does Your Dentist Know You Need Another Kind of Treatment?

It’s important to understand when you might require urgent root canal therapy to save a tooth, but it’s also essential to note the symptoms of other dental diseases that may require specific treatment. These are some of them:

Intermittent mild toothaches that occur only when you eat or drink something hot or cold. This is a normal side effect of having a dental crown or filling, and it usually goes away after a few weeks. Patients should plan a follow-up visit if the problem persists.

Pain that happens solely when you eat something sugary or sweet. This is a regular occurrence in people who have cavities, a loose filling, or gum recession as a result of gum disease. Despite the fact that a root canal may not be required, treatment should be obtained as soon as practical.

Brushing your teeth causes swelling, discomfort, or bleeding. Make an appointment for an evaluation to find out what’s causing the problem and what treatment options are available. When treated promptly, gingivitis can be cured, but it can cause irreversible damage to the smile if left untreated.

At Symmetry Dental, they provide a variety of restorative services, including root canal therapy, to keep your mouth healthy.