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Everything One Needs to Know About Mouthguards

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everything one needs to know about mouthguards

If you suffer from teeth grinding and clenching, jaw pain, snoring, sleep apnea, or sports injuries, your dentist in Cranbrook may recommend that you get a mouthguard. At Symmetry Dental, we offer mouthguards to our patients to help alleviate painful symptoms. Our team has put together this article to provide you with a comprehensive look at the types of mouthguards available and how they can benefit you!

How do Mouthguards Help?

There are many benefits to investing in mouthguards near you. All mouthguards serve essentially the same purpose: protecting your teeth from damage. Mouthguards work by providing a barrier between your teeth and lightening the tension placed on the muscles in your jaw. If you clench your teeth at night, a mouthguard will prevent your teeth from rubbing against one another and wearing down or breaking. If you wear mouthguard while playing sports, a mouthguard will minimize the impact on your teeth if you should suffer from an injury.

Types of Mouthguards

There are three kinds of mouthguards: stock mouthguards, bite and boil mouthguards, and a custom-made mouthguards.

#1 Stock Mouthguards

These are sold over the counter and come ready to wear. Stock mouthguards are one size fits all and the least expensive option for mouthguards. They often don’t fit comfortably and can make sleeping uncomfortable. They are not easily adjusted and don’t offer much protection.

#2 Boil and Bite Mouthguards

This is another type of mouthguard that can be purchased over the counter from your local drugstore. This type of mouthguard can be fitted at home by softening it in hot water and then molding it around your teeth. These mouthguards tend to fit better than stock mouthguards, but they do not provide a precise fit and cause some discomfort.

#3 Custom-Made Mouthguards

Custom-made mouthguards are created by your dentist to specifically fit your unique mouth structure. These are more expensive than stock or boil and bite mouthguards, but they offer the best fit and protection. We offer custom-made mouthguards at Symmetry Dental.

When you choose to get a custom-made mouthguard, our dentist near you will create a model of your teeth using a clay-like material to get an exact impression of your mouth. These impressions will be used to create your custom-made mouthguard so that it will fit your mouth exactly. Having a mouthguard that fits exactly will ensure that it stays in place and allows for easy speaking, sleeping, and breathing.

How Long Do Mouthguards Last?

If properly taken care of, your custom-made mouthguard can last for years. Make sure to clean your mouthguard using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a special cleaner that will be provided to you by our dentist. Make sure that you store your mouthguard in a dry and ventilated case. Make sure to periodically inspect your mouthguard for any cracks or rough edges so that your dentist can fix them.

Interested in Mouthguards?

Mouthguards can be a great answer to many dental concerns and prevent further dental problems down the line. At Symmetry Dental, we offer mouthguards in Cranbrook as a way to protect our patients’ teeth and alleviate painful symptoms. Mouthguards are great for patients who suffer from teeth clenching and grinding, sleep apnea, snoring and for patients who regularly participate in sports. If you are interested in mouthguards, speak to one of our dentists to determine if mouthguards are suitable for you. Our team of dedicated dental professionals is happy to answer any of your questions or concerns. Please contact us to book a consultation today!