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You, Me and Root Canal Therapy

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you me and root canal therapy

Does the thought of a root canal make you shudder? Cost and pain are most likely the first words that come to your mind when your Cranbrook dentist says you need a root canal. However, how many of us actually know what a root canal is?

Root canal therapy also referred to as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure that removes the infection inside of a tooth and protects it from future complications.

Fast Facts About Root Canal Therapy 

It is time to set the record straight. The following facts will help you to develop a better understanding of root canal therapy:

  • During root canal therapy, the nerves from the pulp of a tooth are removed.
  • People often mistake the actual root canal procedure for being painful, but in reality, it relieves pain caused by an infection.
  • Endodontic therapy is also another term for root canal therapy, but it is most commonly known as root canal therapy.
  • The cost of root canal therapy differs, however it is less expensive than having a tooth extraction and restoration, such as a crown or bridge.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

First, let’s discuss some terminology…

A root canal refers to a portion of the tooth that consists of nerve tissue, blood vessels, and pulp.

A tooth is comprised of a crown and roots. The crown is located above the gum line and the roots are located underneath it. The tooth’s roots are what attach it to the jawbone.

The pulp is located inside the crown and the root canal. The pulp is responsible for supplying nutrients and moisture to surrounding areas of the tooth and aids in sensory function.

 Who Needs It?

Root canal therapy is the ideal solution to save your tooth and eliminate pain.

When the pulp of your tooth is injured or diseased, the tissues will die.

Bacteria can enter the pulp, when your tooth is cracked, has a deep cavity, or a loose filling. Over time, the bacteria will ravage the pulp and can cause an infection in the bone.

Infection of the bone will cause it to weaken and deteriorate and as the ligaments surrounding the tooth swell, the tooth will loosen.

Pulp injury will make your tooth feel sensitive to changes in temperature and you may experience persistent pain and throbbing when you chew.

If the infection isn’t treated at your Cranbrook dental clinic, it will spread. As the tooth loosens, your dentist will be required to extract it.

In some cases, if the tooth is causing extensive pain or can’t be restored, patients will choose to have a tooth extraction. However, tooth extraction can cause the surrounding teeth to shift and become crooked.


Wondering how you can avoid having to visit your Cranbrook dentist for root canal therapy? Refer to the following tips:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice per day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
  • Use a toothpaste that contains fluoride.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and replace it every 3 to 4 months.
  • Floss your teeth regularly to prevent plaque buildup.
  • Visit your Cranbrook dental clinic every 6 months for a dental cleaning and checkup.
  • Limit your sugar intake and eat a balanced diet.