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TMD and TMJ Treatment in Cranbrook

TMD and TMJ Treatment Near You

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome (TMJ or TMD) is a common medical ailment that affects many people. The temporomandibular joint is a hinge that connects the jaw to the temporal bones of the skull, which are in front of the ear. This joint controls the movement of the jaw.

Symptoms of this syndrome or disorder include the following:

  • severe headaches
  • clenching the teeth
  • varying intensities of jaw pain, grinding teeth, and a ringing sensation in the ear.

Most people suffering from TMD are not informed about the condition and how it can be diagnosed and effectively treated by a Cranbrook dentist.

Patients who experience chronic TMD symptoms typically feel drained and experience discomfort in their daily activities. When seeking treatment for this condition, there are a few steps that need to be taken. This involves a visit to your dentist, followed by an examination, diagnosis, and treatment of the condition.

tmd treatment in cranbrook

Reasons for Treating TMD

Generally, symptoms tend to worsen during times of stress, which can lead to pain in the neck and jaw. The most common cause of TMD near you is the misalignment of the teeth. This is also known as a “bad bite”. Correction of misaligned teeth, known as realignment or tooth adjustments, can be done by a Cranbrook dentist, oftentimes, without requiring surgeries.

This will put an end to incessant toothaches, neck pains, headaches, teeth grinding and clenching, jaw pain, and the feeling of fatigue. Other symptoms of TMD in Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8 include trouble chewing or sudden uncomfortable bite, as well as swelling of the face, and possibly clicking and popping sounds when moving the jaw.

Teeth grinding typically occurs during sleep. Prolonged grinding of the teeth will eventually erode the structure of the teeth and possibly cause severe oral issues in the future. If TMD goes unchecked and untreated, bone in the jaw may become eroded and the teeth become loose as a result. Those who suffer from TMD should visit a Cranbrook dental clinic for diagnosis and treatment.

What Does Treating TMD Involve?

Different situations can cause TMD symptoms, such as arthritis of the joint, bad bites, and a heavy blow to the jaw. During your first visit, your Cranbrook dentist will take x-rays of the jaw. Thereafter, the jaw, temporomandibular joint, and the patient’s bite will be examined. The patient’s medical history will be reviewed and, thereafter, a diagnosis and treatment plan will be created.

The fabrication of a custom-fitted mouth guard, specially moulded using the patient’s teeth, can help to stop teeth grinding at night. Stress should be controlled, and the dentist can help the patient by providing information on how to manage stress. You may also be prescribed muscle relaxants.

The realignment of the teeth may be done, which is aimed at correcting the patient’s bite, to relieve them of their TMD symptoms. While it is particularly useful in controlling TMD in Cranbrook, BC V1C 2R8, it also enhances the look of the teeth.

The dentist may suggest some remedies to try, such as the use of medications to reduce inflammation and relieve pain, the application of cold packs or heat to the affected region, eating soft foods, avoiding extreme jaw movements such as chewing gum, night guard usage, and the possibility of dental work. If the condition persists, surgical procedures may be performed.

TMD near you can also be treated using therapeutic Botox®. This treatment helps to:

  • Reduce headaches as a result of grinding at night.
  • Reduce discomfort and pain when using the jaw.
  • Alleviate neck and shoulder pain.
  • Reduce jaw locking and tension.

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